Laidet Médical joins Santé Cie

With the acquisition of Laidet Médical, Santé Cie pursues its development in home healthcare and strengthens the territorial coverage of its subsidiary ASDIA.

01 December 2021

Following the integration of Solution Santé last month, Santé Cie is pursuing its strategy of strengthening ASDIA’s territorial coverage with the acquisition of Laidet Médical, as well as confirming its subsidiary’s profile as a multi-specialist in home health.

Widely recognized by healthcare institutions and professionals in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, South and Occitanie regions, Laidet Médical provides home respiratory assistance services to 7,000 patients and is expected to reach €8 million in sales in 2021. Based in Sainte-Foy-Lès-Lyon, the company operates over a wide area through seven local agencies employing around 50 people.

Combined with the acquisition of Solution Santé last month – a specialist in post-operative home infusion services based in the Montpellier region – the integration of Laidet Médical into ASDIA strengthens the company’s territorial presence, in close proximity to patients, throughout the South of France, confirms the diversification of its business profile, and brings its projected turnover for 2021 to 70 million euros.

From a historical player in insulin therapy in various regions, ASDIA has now become a leading multi-specialist in Home Healthcare, with more than 500 employees and a portfolio of expertise that has been greatly enriched in recent years in respiratory assistance, infusion and home nutrition.

« This acquisition confirms our Group's ambition to become a key player in ambulatory care. After having strengthened and diversified the foundations of our Home pillar, the year 2022 will allow us to confirm our global expertise in local healthcare services with the opening of new Urgencemed centers throughout the country. » Larbi Hamidi, President of Santé Cie

Already serving 200,000 patients each year, the Group intends to continue its development in France and Europe, in the service of local healthcare, in particular to meet the challenges of overcrowding in hospital emergencies and the under-density of doctors in many regions.

About Santé Cie :

Created in 2015, Santé Cie is a company serving public health specialising in proximity healthcare professions.

Its main fields of intervention are home health and daily care thanks to a network of 94 agencies and 6 proximity health centers throughout France, a significant presence in Germany and ambitions in Europe.

With a mission to serve public health for more than 200,000 patients each year, Santé Cie’s vocation is to be a strong link in the healthcare chain, at the crossroads of the missions carried out by hospital medicine and community-based medicine.

Aware of Santé Cie’s social responsibility, the Group’s 2,300 employees are committed to providing a proximity healthcare service that combines technical excellence and humanity to meet the needs of patients in France and Europe.

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